To download the sounds simply left click on the link on the left. Please DO NOT right click on the link and choose "Save Target As" because this WILL NOT work!

cracker.wav "....i didn't force her."
notroub.wav Edward - "What's going on, what's all this shouting, we'll have no trouble here."
solo.wav Uncle Harvey and Benjamin - "I can't go to the toilet without someone peeping through the keyhole...."
charlie.wav "....o.k here's your question then, you stupid twat."
chubby.wav Mayor - "'s a f***ing pleasure."
dave.wav Popa Lazarazu - "is that dave?...."
fireeng.wav Pauline and Mickey - "....and I wanna fire engine."
frog.wav Delivery Man and Uncle Harvey - " this house we do not use the F word. This is a toad."
homo.wav Pop - "....what's wrong Gary? Are you a homosexual?...."
orange.wav "Excoose me! Does anybody want any bottle of orange jue?"
pegs.wav Popa Lazarazu - "Wanna buy some pegs Dave?...."
pokey.wav Pauline - "Oke dokey pig in a pokey."
rude.wav Old ladies in the shop - "....your being rude dear...."
things.wav Tubbs - "Don't touch the things."

You can also download these pictures by right clicking on them and choosing "Save Picture As"

flowers-bastard.jpg (26761 bytes)

pauline.jpg (27809 bytes)

tubbs.jpg (32183 bytes)










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